Thursday, April 05, 2007


One Week and counting down...
Six more days to go before the board exam. Too many materials to read and study, too little time...
I went to UP Church of the Holy Sacrifice with May and Carlo this evening for a Holy Week confession. When I told the priest (who I personally know because of Kaps) that my last confession was four years ago, he was shocked and awed! He also said that maybe I have mistaken of the fact that confessions must be done at least once in four years and not once a year. Haha. Anyway, I cannot tell much more than that or else, I would break the vow of secrecy, so let's just stop there.
With Glenn's permission.
I'll be spending about three days and two nights at May's house so that we can study together and solve problems together. We also invited other co-reviewees so that we can share notes with each other and ask each other questions regarding the board exam topics. Tomorrow is a hectic day for review.
Should be studying!!!
Hey Mister! You should be studying!

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